It's a miracle!
Guys, catch you next post. You might want to check out for this one. Girlfriends I have a best kept secret for you!
You know we all have that skanky bra that should have been thrown out five years ago, but you are still wearing it. The one that used to be white but now it is grey and the elastic is completely non-existent. Okay.
Recently my BFF turned me on to this A-mazing lingerie store, Personally Yours in Bedminster. I’ve bought a few bras there now. I am standing online to pay and the woman behind me starts raving to the owner about this solution she sold her. I had to see what all the hype was about so I turned around.
“Have you tried this?” The woman standing in line behind me says and hands me a bottle, then adds, “I love the smell and this product is like nothing you have ever used.” I glance at the label and am intrigued. There is a ballerina striking a pose over the words: Ovacion The Ultimate Forever New Solution. There is a greater than sign over the lower case o, no idea what that means. French maybe?
Anyway I opt out since I was spending a fortune already so the owner threw the wash in. OMG! The smell is heavenly. I don’t even know what to compare it to. The real proof was a couple days later when I filled the sink to wash my new purchase. I decided to toss in my above-mentioned skanky bra to freshen it. This product smells that good. I go back minutes later and the water is filthy. It looks like an auto mechanic washed his hands in the basin. I rinse old faithful out and am annoyed I soaked my new bra in this. Now I would not say my fave was bright white but it was pretty damn close! I kid you not and super soft. I thought it was my imagination but it seemed like the girls had a little more support.
Curious to see how the label describes this product I run for the bottle. I have to share what it says with you:
Specially formulated for the extraordinary cleansing care of delicate and fine fabrics. Ovacion is a remarkable effective blend that offers the qualities and important restorative power of the original granular Forever New Fabric Care Wash. It will quickly return the “newness” to your lingerie, linens, swimwear and all colorfast fabrics. Environmentally correct, Ovacion contains no lanolin or optical brighteners. This “one-of-a-kind” formula allows a quicker breakdown of perspiration salts and body oils, while maintaining elasticity and preserving softness.
Wow. It is so refreshing to find a product that actually delivers on what it says. Go get yourself some. BTW the bottle I have costs just $3.50. Let me know your thoughts after you’ve tried it.