I have a bone to pick! How come dry cleaners have no accountability for the items they ruin? Pilgrim Cleaners ruined my daughter’s UGGS. She cut through a muddy field in the fall and I brought them there to be freshened. They do it off-premises through a vendor. I got them back and it was as if someone had taken sandpaper to them then threw on a coat of lacquer. I wish I was kidding. They are hard as a rock. My daughter’s upset refusing to ever wear them again, you know fourteen-year old drama. Now I’m flustered, I certainly didn’t get my money’s worth out of them. When I squawked the woman said they would clean them again for free. I didn’t know how that could possibly help but I was willing to try.
While I was working, my husband took my daughter to pick them up and no difference. When he asked the man behind the counter what happened to them. The man went berserk and shouted in my hubby’s face. Spit and stinky breath spewing out accusingly as he insisted they were brought in this way from the rock salted winter. Ha! Those puppies I found buried in the bottom of her closet. She hadn’t worn them since the fall. Jeff told him so and said it was mud, not rock salt, she hadn’t worn them all winter and asked if he could file a replacement claim against his vendor who “cleaned” them or insurance, whoever handles this type of problem. The man lost it, started ranting and raving, even pointing his finger so before it turned into a physical confrontation in front of my daughter, he left and we will never go back there. Thank God she was with her father. We would have been on the front page of the town newspaper! Things would have gotten out of hand just man-to-man.
Anyway I have had other things, not as valuable, ruined and that has always been my solution, never go back. Why? We spend a lot of money on our clothes and expect them to be safe; and just own it if you did something. Jeez.
Anyone else have a dry cleaning experience to share?